The Secret to Success: Appalachian Ancestral Wisdom and Self Belief

9 min readJun 9, 2023

Success is an important aspect of life that many people strive for. It can be defined in various ways, such as achieving personal goals, attaining financial stability, or making a positive impact on society.

I'd like to talk about success from my personal point of view , and how self belief and teachings of your childhood can shape your path in life. A little bit about how it's influenced by my own unique culture as well.

I am from the beautiful Appalachian mountain region of the United States, and success has taken on a unique meaning, shaped by the culture and history of the area.

I learned success is important to our people because we are generally looked down upon partially for the old ways we keep and labor intensive jobs we work. Hard working lower middle class.

The fact is we have to work twice as hard for less in this area, as well as the media portrayal of us being poverty stricken and illiterate shaping this opinion of us by others.

Coal miners, Bootleg moonshine,quality home grown cannabis and the opoid pandemic in these hills are all notable facts you…




I am Appalachian, momma of 4, rambler, old soul& truth seeker. Learning from the Lessons & Holding onto the Blessings. Respect, Gratitude, Love, Transparency...